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Legal & Permit Consultant
Legal Services法务服务
Contact Drafting - Penyusunan Kontrak - 协议起草
Assisting clients in drafting agreements by the prevailing regulations in Indonesia. Agreements can be prepared in three languages: Indonesian, English, and Chinese. 协助公司根据印尼的现行法规起草协议。协议可用印尼语、英语和中文三种语言起草。
Legal Opinion - Legal Opini - 法律意见书
Assisting companies in providing legal perspectives and solutions for the issues they face. 协助公司提供法律观点和解决方案以解决面临的问题。
Somatie Letter - Surat Somasi - 律师书
Providing services for the preparation of a letter of formal notice (somasi) as the first legal action against the opposing party. 提供起草律师函(somasi)的服务,作为对抗对方的第一法律行动。
Foreign Owned Company Establishment - Pendirian PT PMA - 外资公司执照
Assisting foreign companies to invest in Indonesia by establishing a limited company with partial or full foreign capital. 协助公司以部分或全部外资在印尼设立有限公司。
Domestic Investment Company - Pendirian PT PMDN - 本地公司执照
Assisting you in establishing a limited company with all of its capital being domestic. 协助您成立一家有限公司,其全部资本均为国内资本。
Change of Article of Association - Perubahan Akta - 章程变更
Amendment of the Articles of Association of the Limited Liability Company. 有限公司的章程变更。
Duty Exemption免税补贴
Masterlist - 免税清单
Registration of Masterlist Facility to obtain customs duty exemption for imported machinery into Indonesia. 注册Masterlist免税清单,以获得进口机械进入印尼的关税豁免。
SKB PPN - Value Added Tax (VAT) Exemption Certificate - 增值税免税函
Registration of Value Added Tax (VAT) exemption facility for imported machinery into Indonesia, for industrial purposes. 进口机械进入印尼的增值税(VAT)豁免补贴申请,用于工业用途。
Certificate of Origin - SKA - 原产地证
Issuance of Certificate of Origin to obtain customs duty exemption in the destination country (export). 出具原产地证明以在目的地国家获得关税豁免(出口)。
Bonded Zone (Manufacturing) - Kawasan Berikat - 保税厂
The Bonded Zone facilities will assist industries planning to export most of their products abroad. 保税区补贴将帮助计划将大部分产品出口到国外的工业。
Bonded Warehouse - Gudang Berikat - 保税仓
The Bonded Warehouse facility will be a crucial permit for companies intending to collaborate on storing raw materials with industrial enterprises that possess a Bonded Area Permit. 保税仓库将成为有意与持有保税区许可的工业合作存储原材料的公司的重要许可证。
Approval to be Located Outside the Industrial Zone - Pengecualian Berlokasi di Luar Kawasan Industri
Granting permission for companies with specific conditions to be located outside the industrial zone. This approval is crucial to obtaining operational permits. 对于具有特定条件的公司,允许其不设在工业区的批准。这一批准对于获得营业执照非常重要。
IZIN/IUI (Permit) Verification - Verifikasi IZIN
Activation of operational permits for companies engaged in medium to high and high-risk business scopes. 为从事中高风险和高风险业务的公司激活营业执照。
Mining, Oil and Gas 矿业及油气行业
Mining Services Business License - Izin Usaha Jasa Pertambangan (IUJP)
Activation of business license for mining services companies planning to cooperate with mine owners. 激活矿业服务公司的经营许可,该公司计划与矿主合作。
Transportation and Sales Mining Permit - Izin Pengangkutan dan Penjualan Tambang (IPP)
Activation of licenses for trading or exporting mining products. 激活用于贸易或出口矿产品的许可。
Oil and Gas Supporting Business Approval - SKUP MIGAS
Activation of licenses for trading or exporting mining products. 激活用于贸易或出口矿产品的许可。
Import and Export Permit 进出口资质
Registered Exporter - Eksportir Terdaftar (ET)
Providing professional coal export permit services that prioritize time efficiency. 提供专业的煤炭出口许可服务,以时间效率为重。
Cosmetics Import Approval (PI) - PI Kosmetik
PI is one of the mandatory import permits that companies must obtain to import cosmetics into Indonesia. 化妆品进口配额 PI 是公司必须获得的强制性进口许可之一,以便将化妆品进口到印尼。
Steel Import Approval (PI) - PI Besi Baja
PI Steel can be divided into 4 (four) types according to industry, namely PI Iron Steel of Manufacturing, Industrial Services, Contractors, and Trading Companies. 钢铁 PI公司按行业可分为4(四)种类型,即制造、工业服务、承包商和贸易公司。
Used Machine Import Approval - PI BMTB
PI is one of the mandatory import permits that companies must obtain to import some of used machines into Indonesia. 二手设备进口配额 PI 是公司必须获得的强制性进口许可之一,以便将二手设备进口到印尼。
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APL Tower, West Jakarta
Open Hours
Monday-Saturday 8 am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm